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Ripples of Emotions

How a pebble causes ripples when dropped into a pond, all emotions have their significance and influence you, your life, and the world around you, in unbelievable ways. And when you embrace them, they help you live life fully.


Creating authentic spaces to express

My Story


I’m an emotion scientist and coach embarking on a journey of every human being emotionally aware. Hence pursuing a Ph.D. in emotional intelligence at Mysuru, Karnataka. I’ve worked for a decade in the corporate sector and for a decade as a counselor. I’m a collage of immense and diverse life experiences.


I’m the light of my life. I love to love myself. I love to enable people to love. 

Photo of Padmashree.jpg

Exploring Constructive Realms

The function of emotions is to allow an individual to have certain plasticity and adaptability in adjusting to the world.

(Darwin, 1872/1965)

Blue Flower Front
Calm Sea
Emotional Management
Couple Counselling
Mindful Practice
Adolescent Counselling
Loving-Self work
Family Therapy
Career Counselling
Affirmations Practice
Emotional Awareness
Life Skills

Everything that happens in life is by design and not by accident, So consider our life is designed for a cause and this is the right time to start. Come let's make a difference!


Bhaavtharang, which implies ‘Ripples of Emotions’, is a group of enthusiastic, compassionate, and experienced facilitators continuously expanding in the area of Emotional Intelligence (EI), Communication, Research, Leadership, Collaboration and Creativity and are passionate about connecting people. Walking the path of self-awareness and self-love, we are eager to guide people to connect to themselves emotionally and cognitively, helping them practice acknowledging their self and creating new possibilities ongoingly. 


Nurturing emotional intelligence and promoting emotional well-being.

 Group Healing Practices

Oriental Lotus


1-o-1 sessions

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